
Alternative Wedding Photography : The Spirit of Beltane – Styled Shoot

Last month I was lucky enough to go along to one of the fabulous Styled Shoots by Melissa Love and the team.  Having never taken part in a styled shoot before, I was so curious and excited to see what we would be photographing.  The whole day was designed purely for like minded photographers to get together and be creative, shooting beautifully styled scenes.  The shoots were held at the gorgeous Avins Farm , which was an amazing backdrop for the shoots which were themed around The spirit of Beltane and Gypsy Caravans.

The shoots were led by two amazing photographers Lisa Devlin and Joanna Brown, whose work I really admire, they both have a different approach and it was an amazing experience seeing how they work and to get to know them.

The Gypsy Caravan shoot I will share in another post, but for today, feast your eyes on these pretty things!! Kristy & Sam were the models for the Spirit of Beltane.  Beltane is traditionally a celebration of Spring and fertility, the ‘love dance of the Gods’ and what perfect models to represent such magic!

Full credit listings below the images.

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The Spirit of Beltane & Gypsy Caravan Styled Shoot 16/17 April 2013 Credit List:

Styled Shoot Team:
Hannah Best www.the-tea-set.co.uk/
Elizabeth Ruby www.ruby-roux.com
Melissa Love www.melissalove.co.uk/

Lead Photographers
Joanna Brown www.browns-photography.co.uk/
Lisa Devlin www.devlinphotos.co.uk/

Set Styling, Flowers & Catering
Hannah Best www.the-tea-set.co.uk/

Web Design
Melissa Love www.melissalove.co.uk/

Fashion Styling
Hannah Best www.the-tea-set.co.uk
Elizabeth Ruby www.ruby-roux.com
Laura Kate O’Rourke http://noirmusic.tumblr.com/

Make Up Artist and Hair Stylist
Carolanne Armstrong www.carolannearmstrong.com/

Gypsy Caravan Dress
Joanne Fleming Designs www.joanneflemingdesign.com/

Spirit of Beltane Bridal Scene Models
Kristy Tsois
Sam Beahan

Gypsy Caravan Scene Model
Meredith Hepner Phillips Theodorou

Jewellery contributed by:
Union Jewellery www.unionjewellery.com/
Chrysalis Couture www.facebook.com/chrysaliscouturedesigns

With special thanks to:
Rebecca Douglas www.rebeccadouglas.co.uk
Emma Thwaites http://www.emmylouphotography.com/
Jayne & Joe Sacco http://saccophotography.co.uk/
Laura Brennan http://www.cherryredphotography.co.uk/
The lovely Tea Set Team and…. to all of those mentioned above for your help and effort in making Styled Shoots such a fun & successful event.

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